Wednesday, March 20, 2019

the scandisk finally finished this evening. i have one big copy operation left, and the rest should be pretty quick...

i got a response back on the prints, and they're telling me that they're willing to start the process, now. that is, a process i started in november - and i'm not happy about it.

i will need to find a way to figure out how to react over the next day or two. as it is, the forecast just changed, so i'm back to not wanting to go anywhere for the foreseeable future...

the thing is that i still don't know if the border cops can see the prints or not, and i am not volunteering my prints to them if i don't have to. if i convince a judge in the end that my prints were taken illegally, that ruling has no jurisdiction in the united states, and i can't get them back. this could cause me all kinds of problems. one would think this would be a simple problem to solve, but the access to information request came back as useless.

i may have to actually call the cbsa tomorrow to figure out how to do this.

so, i'll need to make some more calls tomorrow...

for the night, i'm going to try to get over that hump with the filing.