Tuesday, April 2, 2019

the empirical reality is that there is not currently a sovereign palestinian state and that, given existing settlement trends and increasing israeli occupation over the region, it is exceedingly unlikely that there will be one any time in the near future.

it is rather far more likely that israel will eventually annex the west bank, and be forced to make a choice as to whether it wants to extend full citizenship rights to palestinians or not. gaza's future is less clear, primarily because israel doesn't seem to want it, and egypt won't take it. but, gaza has little future as a city-state, either. in the end, i can't imagine any answer besides being annexed by egypt, even as they continue to resist it.

the two-state solution has been dead, now, for decades, and continuing to reference it is at best delusional, but usually actually just a means to deflect from the reality on the ground.

i would actually support a singular, secular state with equal rights for all citizens, and leave it up to the people that live there as to what they want to call it.

so, it's worse than a double standard; the jewish councilperson stated things that are empirically true and only offensive in a delusional context, whereas the muslim congresswoman stated things that are empirically false and clearly objectively racist.

we can see who has the power and who doesn't - and who is abusing it.