Tuesday, April 2, 2019

my phone still isn't working, and i'm sure it's on the server end. i don't know what to do....

i'm not going to call long distance at a pay phone.

i was going to head over on thursday for nils frahm, but the weather is still terrible, so i'm looking at next week, minimum. i'm thinking i'll probably just wait it out, maybe do some research tonight.

the oiprd review panel has accepted the documents, but i don't expect much from it, either. the issue doesn't really get to a meaningful adjudicator until i file in superior court; this preliminary steps are largely meaningless, if required by law.

i still want to wait for the review to finish before i launch a human rights challenge, which i have until september to launch. in the end, i'll probably launch everything at the same time, but i still don't know exactly what to launch - i need to at least try and cross the border, first.