Tuesday, May 14, 2019

the smoke seemed to clear out for the weekend, only to come back in on sunday night - and i forced myself to go to sleep early on sunday, when it did. i was up on monday morning, feeling better, but skeptical.

it was ok for the day, but came in in the afternoon, so i had to make a complaint, finally, in the form of an email, which i'm going to withhold for the moment. the property owner showed up at my door a few hours later, red-eyed and adamant that nobody was smoking pot.

yet, he was clearly stoned, himself, at the time of denial.

what am i supposed to do? argue with him? he's obviously full of shit, and not willing to budge on it. people don't care about truth anymore; they'll lie to your face and make fun of you for believing it. but, there's no meaningful arbiter, here, no point in the debate. i'll keep the arguments for the judge, if i have to.

i don't want to go through this again; that's why i took so long to say something. the letter simply made the nature of the complaint clear and hoped that he would rectify the problem, however he may. but, the bottom line is that if he wants to do drugs on his property, i can't stop him - i can only ask that he lets me out of the lease with compensation, and lets me move somewhere else. if it were only that easy, right. the fact that he's lying about it is deeply discouraging, but i need to react to the facts in front of me.

i've had the bathroom fan on more or less nonstop since, i think, december. i've tried to turn it off a few times, and just noticed the air quality in here tank immediately. but, he made a request for me to turn it off, so i did so to keep the peace in the short run - and instantly had my first hemiplegic migraine in almost two years. it was weak, and gone in a few hours; it started in my right hand and didn't make it further than my wrist. i didn't try to talk, but i got a bit more sleep.

i'm going to assume that turning off the fan shut down a magnetic field in the basement and essentially gave me an electric shock, which triggered the migraine. we'll see where things go from here, but if they become more frequent i'll need to turn the fan back on, clearly.

so, am i back in the same shitty situation i was in two years ago? it's looking more and more like it.

i'm going to try to eat. but, i'm less than happy, this evening.