Tuesday, May 14, 2019

i was still tired when i finished eating, so i took a nap, and i woke up to another splitting headache. my attempt at a shower led to another hemiplegic moment, although this time on the other side of the body. it didn't make it all of the way up my left side, but it's kind of a scary thing to have happen in the shower.

so, i've had migraines on both sides of my body in the last 24 hours, after turning off the fan on request.

his concern seemed to be not wanting to replace the device, but the basement air is clearly making me sick, whatever the cause. i mean, that might not even be smoke - and i haven't really smelled smoke in the last little bit., although i've been sleeping, too.

i've set up a box fan beside my bed for now, instead. if that works, great. if not, i'll have to turn the fan back on - and i'll have to plan to get out of here.

i still think the onset was so sudden that it must have been a shift in magnetism, but i don't think stale basement air is an unsurprising cause of headache, either.

the fact is that i'm till tired and am going back to sleep. i just wanted to check the weather, and they seem to have balanced it back out again. hooray.