Tuesday, July 2, 2019

i mean, i think people are perhaps overstating the role and purpose of the g20.

i spent years arguing and protesting in favour of abolishing the forum as a waste of time, so i'm not going to pivot towards getting upset that the president's daughter is overstepping on a security clearance. you don't really think they talked about anything substantive there, do you?

the g20 is a series of pointless photo-ops, meaningless declarations and distractions and financial giveaways to causes that bourgeois charities consider in vogue. it's more like a celebrity gala than a serious policy meeting. and, in that sense, ivanka is perhaps better suited to attend than most of the heads of states.

so, my position has not changed: the g20 is a waste of time and money and should be abolished outright. i don't care if the president brought his daughter to this waste of time and money or not, or why she was there.