Wednesday, January 15, 2020

so, i don't want to get cocky, but, so far so good.

the service workers don't appear to have turned back on.

the firewall log is still running.

i have noticed explorer reference some weird files, but i can't currently tie it to anything sketchy.

there's no email from the oiprd or the court, and the property owner has until the 21st to react, at which point i'll need to send the request to put the file on hold until the outcome of the divisional court ruling to the human rights tribunal. so, there's nothing pressing, there.

further, i've archived all the posts to this space in my email. so, i'm tentatively ready to get back to what i was doing.

the problem is that it's been so long that i'm hazy as to what it was that i was actually doing. so, i'm going to read up on each of the blogs to reacquaint myself with the process, and then i could conceivably be back to posting by the end of the night. of course, this depends on the system remaining stable...

it's very dry in here still, which is making it hard to smell anything at all. your nose needs moisture to work. i'm not getting that. my lips are chapped, my cheeks are bleeding, my hair is knotted up - it's really brutal. i'm trying to drink a lot of water, and get into the shower regularly to compensate, but the combination of things - the heaters, the dehumidifier and the smoke/pollution - is just horrific. he claims this is helping him; i'd suggest it's probably the cause of his problems more than the solution to them. i mean, he claims he gets migraines. well, i'd guess he's brutally dehydrated. but, he's apparently back to not working, so i'm wondering about the smoking, too. i heard him come in on the evening of new year's eve, and may have heard him crying. he seems to be unable to get over an exwife.

there was also an appraiser here the other day, meaning he's either getting a mortgage or selling the place.

but, for me, the dryness (and pollution, presumably) is really making me tired, spaced out and unable to focus. it's so dry that i can't smell well enough to know if i'm breathing in second hand marijuana smoke, but i feel tired enough and disoriented enough to suspect it. i'm also strangely hungry, which is making me that much weaker (and i'm on an eating schedule that i'm not interested in breaking, so i will sit here and suffer). i'm trying to drink a lot of coffee to compensate, but it's not really working. so, i'm operating at a degraded capacity, and we'll see what kind of effect it has on me.

if he decides to sell the place and moves out, that could be a net positive for me, if the next tenant ("owner") is a little bit more clean and a little bit less fanatic about the dry air. it'd be nice to get rid of the dog, too. a non-smoking clean freak female without pets or kids would be nice.

so, yeah....i'm half here right now, kind of fuzzy from the dehydration, and not entirely sure where i left off. but, once i figure it out, i'll be back to rebuilding the dec/2013 archive.

....which was close to being done, actually. promise.