Wednesday, January 15, 2020

so, where was i?

- i was back from toronto on dec 11th, but i was sick.
- the show reviews finished up on the 16th.
- i got the response from the onhrc on the 16th.
- i have to wait until jan 21st to file a deferral.
- machine up and down from 18th-21st.
- html5 template worked out from 19th-22nd
- addendum first sent on 21st
-  22nd-27th - liner note updates for 11/2013 releases
- 24th: motions first sent
- 28th: seeds for december releases
- 28th-30th -master document
- 30th - printed & mailed the motions

- 31st-1st   - procrastinating
- 2nd-6th - posting for 12/2013
- 2nd-13th - posting for january shows in detroit
- 6th-15th - fighting with computer
- 9th - motion heard
- 10th - received record of application