Thursday, January 16, 2020

i haven't posted in a while.

i didn't want to broadcast that i was up, and that the system seemed stable, i just wanted to quietly get back to work. and, i got quite a bit done - i'm very close to being finished the rebuild for 2013, it's just two days and a few pages left, although i'm going to have to rewind to the beginning of the month when i get back up to ensure data integrity. it's very time consuming, but it's required every time i do this.

i was probably on to something about the service workers being an attack vector, because they don't seem to have been able to do what they were doing previously. that seems to have stopped them.

so, instead, they did something else and tried to take my boot drive out altogether. i got an 0x24, which is an indexing error and may indicate lost data.

it's not actual lost data. i don't keep anything on my boot drive; it's designed to be wiped out. if i've lost anything, it's the changes i made since the last reimage, and that's minor.

but, this is an escalation. this is the first time they've threatened my data in any meaningful way.

i'll have to see what i can recover from the drive. can i get an ip address? can i figure out what they did?

i wanted to finish the rebuild before i ate, and i did get very close, but i'll have to run a chkdsk on the drive and i'll have to eat now.

are they trying to delete the data after all? that's not consistent. rather, i might suspect that somebody just threw a temper tantrum. and, given that this is all very childish all around, is it worthwhile to tell them to grow up?

this is my computer, my data, my website, my ideas, my writings. i own all of this. this is mine. nobody has any rights of interference, here.

it's ridiculous enough that i have to waste my time fighting this off, but to the extent that i'm successful, i'm certainly in my rights of self-defense. 

but, it's worrisome.

and, it's making me wonder. is this really the cops? or is it a fucked up loser with control issues?