Thursday, January 16, 2020

the last ip addresses in the log belong to google (which makes sense, as i was posting to blogger and listening to youtube) and fastly, which does not, unless google is buying services from fastly, which seems unlikely.

i don't see any legitimate reason for these ips.

so, i guess i can try blocking the range of ip addresses by fastly when i come up. hopefully, that buys me some more time.

again, though: whoever is doing this appears to have gone to the trouble of purchasing a cloud computing service to attack me with. that's surreal. it indicates quite a bit of investiture, and it's starting to freak me out.

i'm starting to feel stalked. like, actually stalked - stalked in terms that would meet a legal definition of an actual crime. 

so, i have a potential source, but it doesn't look to be very helpful. hopefully, though, i can block it..