Saturday, February 8, 2020

i'm starting to conclude that he made some sort of change to something after i sued him, and he's unchanged it now that the lawsuit is stopped. it's not coming from under the floor any more, but the stench from upstairs is both complex and ridiculous, and a component of it is clearly somebody smoking.

what do i do to attract these kinds of assholes in my life?

if i convince myself of this, i'm going to have to reopen the suit. if he's going to act maliciously, i will make him pay for it.

if that's what has happened, then what we've learned is that he is able to reverse the smell and has decided not to, and/or or has decided to make it worse to upset me. and, i'll gleefully hold him liable, as that would be landlord harassment, if i can convince myself that that's actually true.

it's only been a few days. it could be a coincidence. and i can't really identify the source, clearly. it's something burning, mostly....