Saturday, February 8, 2020

a good anarchist should agree that if you're going to harm the people around you then you have a responsibility to "make it whole" and undo the damage.

anarchists aren't generally nihilists, in fact we tend to have more developed codes of behaviour that we bring in to replace the state, which, for me, includes a reliance on tort law. we have things like the non-aggression principle that we try and base our ethics around. the idea isn't that we can just do whatever we want and fuck anybody that doesn't like it, it's that we don't need a government to pass laws to tell us how to behave responsibly, we can figure it out on our own.

a good anarchist would know not to smoke in a residential area where there are kids or non-smokers, and they would abide by the agreements they sign to not smoke inside, if they do so.