Monday, July 20, 2020

no, i need to be clear.

there is a 0% possibility that i will wear a mask in public, and a 0% possibility that i will a receive a vaccination for this virus.

it's not because i'm anti-vaccine. i'm sure it'll work, up to any potential seasonal mutations. and, i don't have any reason to think, at this point, that the vaccine will be unsafe.

rather, it's a matter of principle - if you're going to shut the world down over something that poses almost no threat to anybody under the age of 60, i will refuse to comply out of a position of principle.

i repeat: i'm not afraid of the vaccine, and i'm sure it'll work just fine. but, i'm still never getting vaccinated, because i just don't want to, and i'm going to insist on the right to refusal until this either blows over or they pin me down and force me to, in which case you can expect me to sue them.

i'm really, honestly just being purposefully difficult about this as a reaction to the statist response, which is simply not justified, in the context of the nature of the threat the issue poses.

they could have closed down the geriatric facilities. instead, they closed down the bars to stop it from getting into them, then failed. if that is society's priorities, whatever, but they're not mine, and i won't comply; if you're going to force me to live a lifestyle i don't consent to and don't want to live, expect push back for the sake of push back.