Monday, July 20, 2020

there's one, maybe two, venues in town that might have a show worth going to see once every few months.

and, if you put plexiglass in that venue, you'll ruin it; with social distancing in place, capacity in the space would be half of 50. the whole point is the intimacy of the venue. it makes no sense otherwise.

so, the plexiglass rule will need to be abolished before live music means anything, again, in windsor. that is, if it's followed at all. that's a crazy rule to put in place, and it's going to sink smaller venues if it stays in place too long.

i haven't been to a concert in a large venue in something like 20 years. i don't like the crowds. not to mention that i don't like pop music...

such stupid, pointless (and expensive.) rules will no doubt not be in place in detroit. but, how long do i have to fucking wait this out for?

when can bands start touring again?

this is what i care about, so stage 3 does not help me at all.