Thursday, October 29, 2020

actually, one of the criticisms i have of critical race theory is that it is essentially an argument for white supremacism, and that argument isn't upheld by history.

now, i don't want to put words into the mouth of thoughtful people like angela davis that can speak for themselves. but, something you often hear from advocates of her theory, or of foucauldianism in broader generality, is that there's this consistent historical reality that white people are at the top of the hierarchy, everywhere, throughout history.

you hear the same thing from this specific breed of feminist that overlaps into foucauldianism - they argue that patriarchy is everywhere, and nothing except it has ever existed. so, they align with advocates of christian patriarchy, like colin renfrew, in loudly denouncing the evidence against it, despite it being rather overwhelming. 

why do you think women have to cover themselves up in the middle east, anyways? have you ever looked that up? and, the answer is that it's a remnant of the fertility cults, which actually lasted in the culturally stagnant areas of arabia longer than they did elsewhere, as those areas were protected from invasion by the desert. the arab women of deep antiquity were sorceresses, prostitutes, magicians - and their bodies were the source of their power. they were covered up to take away their strength. and, don't let the muslim revisionists lie to you about it.

but, let's think that through. 

if it were actually true that white people (and white men.) have been at the top of the hierarchy in every society that's ever existed, what is the empirical deduction to draw from such an observation? we take certain truths as self-evident, but that relies on the evidence upholding them; if that were really true, always, through history, it would have an obvious conclusion, wouldn't it?

as an advocate of egalitarianism, then, it actually falls on the historian to demonstrate counter-examples, to show that there have been periods of history where the white men were getting slaughtered. but, the key is not to demand grievances for it, but to present it as evidence for the actual equality of the races - which science has shown isn't even a real thing.

so, i tend to bristle against these ideas that only white people are guilty of imperialism, genocide or war. that's not racism in reverse, it's internalized racism - it's a literal statement of the dominance and superiority of white skin. but, thankfully, history demonstrates that it is wrong, that white cultures are just as vulnerable to replacement as any other.

and, that should have implications for people that think carefully.