Sunday, October 18, 2020

i had a post about betaine, dmg & choline that didn't save properly and evaporated. fuck off, google - i don't give you permission to edit this and i'll get right up and leave if you take it on yourself to edit, censor or delete my posts.

so, the post was a clarification that i've taken b15 as pangamic acid out, but i may bring it back in as betaine - or i may decide that choline is sufficient, and i don't need to worry about it at all.

when i brought choline in as b16, it was because choline metabolism produces dmg and choline has an rdi. i didn't want to use b4, because i wanted to measure adenine, as well. but, now, i may bring in a couple of these related molecules, depending on what actually seems necessary and appropriate.

so, we have four related chemicals:

- b15 converts to dmg
- dmg itself (usually called b16)
- betaine also converts to dmg
- choline produces dmg as a byproduct

i was assuming that just measuring choline is good enough, but i need to figure that out, now.

so, what i need to figure out is if these four things form a complex and i get all of the b16 i need from choline or if i should be looking at a separate source of dmg, likely in the form of betaine, which will come back in as b15.

and, that's next.