Sunday, October 18, 2020

again, you have to prosecute whomever did this, but the protesters remain on the right side of the debate - these kinds of facilities should not exist outside of state regulation, and the fisherman are correct in standing up for the protection of the resource, in stepping in to stop them when the government won't.

and, this is what happens when you try to pass laws that give people different rights based on their language, religion or ethnicity - people won't stand for a regime in which some people are more equal than others, and this will become normal unless the government stops pushing orwellian concepts of "equity" and returns to egalitarian concepts of equality.

it's not that the ruling was terrible, not exactly - they clarified the point. but, the government should have dealt with this decades ago.

all fisheries must be regulated equally. no exceptions. no caveats. no exemptions.

and, again - my position on this is because i'm a socialist, and not despite of it. there's nothing less socialistic than different regulation regimes based on different races.