Saturday, November 21, 2020

i forced myself to sleep and avoided eating today to try to fight off whatever is going on in there, and the mucus seems to have passed with a large amount of gas, at least. i wanted to wait to take a shit before i ate, and it just got out there, so i'm going to give it an hour or something before i make breakfast. i just want to clear it out...

i have no idea - it could be a dozen things. 

is it a sign of something like ibd? crohm's? i dunno. 

it could be something i ate - including too much. i honestly suspect that i shit a hole in my anus, that i just ripped it right open.

with the vitamin write-ups complete (at least for the first section), the next thing i'm going to do is a haphazard, first pass for the mineral section to see where i'm at to start. i will then start with hydrogen and run through each element up to at least iodine, maybe further.

some of them are clearly toxic and clearly void of value. some of them are kind of unclear, still. i'll give it a run and see what i can uncover.