Saturday, November 21, 2020

yeah, i'm starting to think i need some antibiotics....

i don't think i've ever taken antibiotics before. well....i guess i took some penicillin when i got my wisdom teeth out...

i might even be allergic to it, for all i know. 

i just don't do it. but, is this a root cause of something deeper?

the other thing i'm worried about - and i keep having to come back to this - is that i'm dealing with some kind of neurodegenerative issue. it's a symptom of ms & cystic fibrosis. and, i'm wondering if it might have some connection to the migraines.

then again, i hate sleeping, and i haven't been doing it recently. if i just knock myself out for ten hours, i might feel better when i wake up.

i'm going to get some eggs and get to the vitamin s right after.