Saturday, December 12, 2020

so, i felt better this afternoon, but i'm once again feeling some issues in the middle part of my body, and i'm losing confidence in the idea that it's because i downed too much fluorine the other day.

if this is a virus, it's the weirdest virus i've ever gotten - there's literally no other symptom. so, i remain skeptical, but i'm running out of options.

i'm feeling like i have to default back to something bacterial, in which case i seem to need to get some antibiotics.

the other potential option is the dish soap. use is strongly correlated with eating. but, it's not like i'm eating it. i might be absorbing it or inhaling it, but then why is it affecting my digestive tract?

nothing really makes a ton of sense. but, i need to recognize i'm vulnerable right now, nonetheless, if for no other reason than that i don't understand it, and avoid people. i mean, it could be cancer, for all i know. when nothing adds up, more extreme potentialities need to be investigated.

i don't have any visible bruising on the outside of my body. that's the trigger that's going to send me looking for treatment.