Sunday, April 18, 2021

no, i'm awake. sort of.

in the attempt to ensure i'm absorbing more iron, i'm also drinking a lot less coffee. that could be a part of it.  if so, the decrease in caffeine is affecting me more than the increase in iron.

it's also quite warm in here, and i'm not complaining about it. i'm not reacting to the iron - it's gone up from 20 to 24 degrees, and that thermometer is a good distance from the heater (where my bed is). i'm actually happy about it. but, i find that warmer temperatures help me sleep's when it gets under 20 that i can't sleep. again: that's probably southern rather than northern genes. for all the talk of humans dominating plains in africa (which is  probably a myth), chances are higher that we spent a significant portion of our evolutionary existence escaping from lions by running up trees. there are even a few primates that are nocturnal, although they have much better eyesight than us and these things are probably related. but, if i'm generally sleepy when it's warm and sunny and more alert when it's cool and dark, i don't think that's some kind of pavlovian reaction - i think it's just reflective of a slightly different genetic background that i don't actually fully understand. my dad's rare, recessive south asian blood type is perhaps of relevance, here.

i just took my noon iron so i can't take any more coffee until the afternoon. and, i skipped my breakfast because i was sleeping. so, you see how these things are building up on themselves - every time i'm awake enough to get ready to start the day, and do things like eat breakfast to get it going, i end up falling asleep before the day starts. and, then we start all over again.

i could sit here and struggle to type through the exhaustion, but i'd rather nap for a few hours and get started with a big cup of coffee around 14:00-15:00. we'll have to put breakfast off, today.