Monday, February 12, 2018

you know, i don't buy it, this idea of "spiritual awakening".

i mean, consider the term. make me laugh. i'll grant that a "spiritual awakening" is what you would expect would happen to a population, after you've dumbed it down with television to the point that it can barely operate a cash register. in that context, a "spiritual awakening" would be something like "mass insanity".

but, i actually i think we're on the cusp of a paradigmatic rejection of religion in the west, and that it could be almost entirely eliminated, at least amongst white people, by the year 2100. the next generation of white americans could very well define itself by it's godlessness.

and, i welcome that.

but, i wish the left would stop trying to appeal to the dying demographics of religious observation, and key in that, by paying too much lip service to religious values, it is slowly losing what will be the dominant atheist vote to the right.

the way things are shaping up right now, the atheists will get the tipping point to seize power once the boomers seriously die off, but, when they do, they will be republicans. and, that's a problem.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.