Monday, February 12, 2018

"but, we can't separate our religion from our identity."

i agree - they can't.

but, that's not a feature. that's the bug. that's what is wrong - too much collectivism, not enough individualism.

i just don't think it's an argument. what i think it is is a diagnosis.

and, i have absolutely no interest at all in accommodating a culture that cannot separate the individual from the whole. until it can get to the point where it's members can say "i am an individual. i have a self. and i am distinct from my community. i have interests and ambitions and desires that may differ from my community and i am interested in expressing them, even if it doesn't conform with the norms in the community. i exist as an individual, to better myself, as an individual, and not merely as a corollary of the community i come from.", i just don't see anything that is worth saving. to the contrary, i might argue that such a society really ought to be destroyed, in the first place.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.