Saturday, July 28, 2018

the reality is that you'll need to pay for premium housing to avoid smoking, in this town. you're looking at rents over $1000/month, for a bachelor apartment.

you might get lucky.

i'm hoping...but....

and, you can't walk down the street without bumping into a smoker, either.

you could smoke in the restaurants here until a few years ago. the culture shock that the rest of the world went through 20-30 years ago is just beginning to happen, here. people don't get it; non-smokers aren't bothered by it.

people smoke with their kids around, like it's not a big deal.

it's just still considered "normal" to smoke, here.

there are neighbourhoods downtown where it just hangs. for blocks.

i didn't think it would be this difficult to get away from it, but i didn't realize the preponderance of it, either. it's ubiquitous...