Saturday, July 28, 2018

again, what's confusing and disappointing is the ndp.

we expect the conservatives to be xenophobic, and we expect the...we expect the liberals to do the math first, which they didn't do this time, but we expect them to react against the xenophobia. so, you get this dumb argument about racism and pointless finger-pointing that just distracts from the actual problem on the ground, which then never gets fixed.

as a left-leaning canadian, i would expect the ndp to stand up and demand more funding for socialized housing. that's what they did in the past. that's where they're supposed to be on the spectrum. & i would expect them to draw attention to the difficulties being faced by low income canadians, as vacancies fall & rents rise.

this pressure from the ndp then forces the liberals to act. that's how this works.

instead, they're basically just repeating the same lines as the liberals, and just trying to say it louder and more forcefully. and, the weird thing about it is that it actually makes the liberals seem further left, even though they're just pushing the standard bourgeois policies around population increases, to drive down wages and increase rents.

if the ndp won't be a left-wing party, we're going to have to build a new one from scratch. & let us be clear: the left-wing response to this situation is to push the government very hard to get shovels in the ground for more subsidized housing.