Saturday, July 28, 2018

so, what is my plan, here?

if i have to leave the city, i'll have to place things in storage - or just move straight out. so, even if i get the payout, i still can't be really seriously looking outside the area, because i won't be able to see anything. and, who is going to rent to me over the phone, right?

the fact that i don't have a laptop right now is kind of a really big problem...

regardless of the outcome, my options until october 1st are really mostly within biking distance. i'm not going to be able to seriously hitch out to waterloo or niagara or wherever else until i'm able to get my things in a safe space, first.

if i have to hit the street, i'll need a new (used) laptop, first.

and, i may have to get used to sleeping on the streets for a little while...

i have two months, still. but, i'm coming to terms with the increasingly clear reality that if i want to start over again post-smoking, then there's really nothing available here. i'm going to have to leave...and that's going to require a stay in some hostels until i figure it out...