Tuesday, July 10, 2018

there's no listings today, so i'm stuck thinking about this stupid property management company again, and it's just really frustrating that they're putting through these income screening checks.

let's imagine i take a small apartment for something like $600/month.

this would be my budget:

rent: $600
food: $200
estrogen: $20
internet: $30
laundry: $20


but, my income is $1215.

that would leave me with $345 a month to spend on....what, exactly?

i don't smoke.
i don't drink.
i don't have a driver's license (and don't want a car).
i don't watch tv.
i don't want a cell phone.
i don't have or want kids.
i don't want to date.
i'd rather make my own meals, thank you.

should i start donating money to charity? sponsor a kid from africa?

i honestly wouldn't know what to do with that money. and, if i'm stuck in a 300 square foot apartment, i wouldn't have space to buy things, anyways.

i don't need more spending money, i'm fine as i am, i need somewhere to stay that's big enough to put my stuff in and safe enough to keep it in. and, they have places that are acceptable, but i don't pass the screening, so they won't call me.

see, and this doesn't help them, either, because they end up with units sitting empty.

it's just an all around stupid way to manage property - by enforcing frankly absurd assumptions, they're actively preventing people from renting spaces they'd be happy in.