Tuesday, July 10, 2018

...and it even seems like i'm the only person that even wants to.

somebody that's working full time is going to want a nice apartment, and there's more than enough supply. i'm not looking at nice units here, i'm looking at old dilapidated dumps. the whole point of moving here was that there was an oversupply of substandard housing at below market rent. so, then this dumb wench shows up and starts buying up old units and jacking up the rent, so they end up sitting empty. and, she keeps buying more and more up.

i have not seen this woman's assets, but i suspect she's sitting on a bubble and that things will crash here once it finally bursts.

there's not an actual shortage of low-income housing, here - there's a problem with a specific management company buying up old units and keeping low income people out of them.