Tuesday, June 11, 2019

this stupid argument, again.

listen. i'm not an american; i can't vote in the american elections. there are good privileges attached to being a canadian, but being able to vote for the most powerful person in the world is not one of them.

i endorsed her under the argument that you're better with the devil you know, and i'm actually not convinced that that was actually the right choice, but there was no serious possibility that i was ever really going to actually vote for hillary clinton, and there's likewise not any real serious possibility that i'm going to vote for biden, warren, harris or any of the others.

so, there's this false understanding that i'd be basing my choice on sanders or one of the other democratic candidates, and that is simply not true. and, i want you to look at the history of this.

- in 2016, i endorsed clinton, but i wouldn't have actually voted for her, myself. i would have voted for stein.
- in 2012, i endorsed the green party. i did not feel that obama was a lesser evil when compared to mitt romney; they were completely identical candidates, in almost every way.
- in 2008, i endorsed the green party. i did not buy into obama. at all.
- in 2004, i endorsed john kerry. i felt that he was a lesser evil. but, i may have endorsed an intelligent capuchin monkey. bush was a total disaster.
- in 2000, i endorsed the green party. i did not feel that al gore was a substantially better choice than george w. bush, and do not think i was wrong, either. nader was the best option, and i would make that endorsement again, even knowing the outcome.

in 2020, i will either endorse bernie sanders or endorse the green party; there is no possibility that i will endorse one of the other candidates, and there was never going to be a possibility that i would have.

so, don't blame my disinterest in the field on bernie sanders. my disinterest is longstanding, and a consequence of the fact that they have shitty policies; blame them, it's their fault.

bernie is in truth opening up new voters such as myself that would have never otherwise considered voting democratic at all.
