Tuesday, June 11, 2019

what i want is a place to see good, live rock bands in detroit, and i'm a little frustrated that there's a good venue that is falling into disuse because people decided to be stupid about it.

so, i want the venue to be used to it's full extent.

it's actually kind of a socialist thing, about use-value. i'm not an advocate of property rights, remember - i want a facility like that to be used by the people most able to use it, and have less concern about what the neighbours think than i do about maximizing the use-value of the facility. fuck the neighbours, even.

but, we know this - i'm a leftist and you're a conservative (or a progressive. same thing.).

and, i don't have to actually care about you. really. i have no obligations, here - it's enough to care about myself, in context.