Thursday, March 26, 2020

i mused a little about the potential of immunity to the new virus as a consequence of exposure to the previous one - they were getting partial binding from the old antibodies, so maybe getting that pile on effect would have been easier than starting from scratch. white blood cells will do that, they'll hunt in packs, and take the pathogen down like lions swarming an elephant.

(technically, they're cooperating in neutralizing open electrons. so, if the first antibody gets 10 out of 15 electrons, maybe the second antibody snags the rest. remember - this is a geometry problem first. it's a physics problem second, and a chemistry problem third. then it's a biology problem.)

so, in the end, maybe that was a factor in the slower ramp up.

but, i need to be absolutely clear when i state this: the immediate suppression, followed by the steep onset of disease, is exactly what the literature would have predicted would happen in these east asian countries, and exactly what actual experts would have warned was imminent. if you look, you can even find a few msm articles - even if they didn't get shared on social media.

so, you shouldn't be surprised or disappointed. it was both predictable and obvious; this is actually well understood.

this is why i got off facebook. it's an algorithm for the spread of ignorance. you're not immune to that because you're an enlightened liberal, or something - your shit stinks just as bad. really.

these ideas like "flattening the curve" and "singapore beat covid-19 by embracing fascism" are just the anti-vaxxer movement of the present. and, i hope you like that comparison - i hope it sinks in, and i hope it leads you to do some independent research next time, instead of just singing with the choir.

now, we need to look at what the scientists are actually saying, which is that we need to adapt.