Thursday, March 26, 2020

so, i quickly found the cd-r i remembered getting with the modem, but it literally just has a ten page pdf on it. useless...

i do have a chrome book here, and i should be able to log into a terminal. i don't know how much access i'll have. i'm a windows user; i'm used to being admin, i'm not used to being told i can't do things. linux has this weird hierarchy that i've always found to be sort of oppressive. but, if i can get into there from here...

have i ever done this before?

the answer is no.

i worked very briefly for fortinet, but i was really a new hire. some manager from st. louis came in one day and fired me because she didn't like my hair; she called me a "worthless musician". well, she struck me as a corporate nazi, so we can agree to dislike each other, that's fine.

but, i didn't build up the kind of experience working there that i did working for vista. i was with vista for almost a year; i didn't get through training with fortinet.

so, i have a vague idea of how to terminal into this, but....

if i can find a good sight, i should be able to figure it out. and, hopefully, it can give me better logs....