Friday, July 31, 2020

what do i think of these weirdo mennonites, though, anyways?

not much, frankly.

they're very quiet. i guess we all know they're there, but we don't hear much from them, so it's kind of like they're not. and, that's probably better for both of us.

i don't really know much about them, what they believe or how they live. i get the idea that they don't really like technology, and i guess they probably live in very patriarchal societies that are rooted by threats of violence, but i've really never thought about it much. if they were to ever show up with guns and try to take over the government, i guess i'd have a reason to look into them a little more. as it is, the fact that they're so quiet means i have essentially no reason to really care about them much, one way or the other.

i know i've been very critical of the mormon groups up in the mountains, like in bountiful. that was a case that they very badly screwed up. "religious freedom" is hardly a valid excuse for rape, and i'd be just as happy if they carpet-bombed the place.

i frankly don't know if that kind of thing goes on in these mennonite colonies or not, but i would support a crackdown on them if there is any evidence or suggestion that it does.

if not, the existing arrangement - where we barely acknowledge each other's existence in any way at all - is fine with me. so, carry on...