Friday, July 31, 2020

it's a fair enough critique; i may have been a little anachronistic in my language. i guess this clarifies what i meant to say.

but, this also helps to explain two things:

1) why the islamic authorities were so uncomfortable with the math & astronomy going on
2) the existence of certain strains of islam (like sufi.) that are kind of kabbalistic in scope. that is, there has continually been a synthesis of islam with astrology happening under the radar, and that's what they were trying to stop.

we had the same bullshit in europe. it's known now that newton, for example, was an avid alchemist - and that he spent a large amount of his life trying to convert base metals into gold. but, he had to keep it underground, or he'd have ended up dead.

and, if you look into it, the whole kepler/copernicus crowd had astrological streaks of it's own.