Saturday, September 12, 2020

and, i just learned that you can digest flax, if you ground it first.

i mentioned somewhere back there - a couple of times - that flax seeds are a total waste of time, because they're just fibre.

but, i didn't realize that you could fix that if you grind them. that's good news, as they should more or less perfectly balance out the hemp seeds.

so, this is where i'm at so far.

fruit bowl:
- strawberries
- bananas
- kiwis
- blueberries
- raspberries
- rosehips (if locatable)
- ice cream
- soy milk

salad bowl:
- red peppers
- tomatoes
- microwaved/chopped broccoli
- broccoli leaves or kale
- dandelion leaves
- chopped carrots
- hemp seeds
- flax seeds (ground!)
- kalamata olives
- lemon
- garlic cloves
- oregano & pepper
- chopped cheese
- bacon bits
- caesar dressing

- fried eggs
- cheese
- whole wheat bread
- salami?
- olive oil margarine
- + apple juice