Saturday, September 12, 2020

if the flax at least won't convert the circulating 16 into 2 once it's been metabolized from estrone, how do i get more estrogenic 16-isomers?

this article suggests that it's the omega-6 that converts estrone to 16-isomers and the omega-3 that converts estrone to 2-isomers. that suggests that the reason the flax increased 2-isomer production may be that it's high in omega-3s. it also suggests that, ultimately, the cancer risk is tied into the omega-3:omega-6 ratio, rather than any specific component of the diet.

like everybody else, i have a positive 6:3 ratio because it's just how we eat. you'd essentially have to eat primarily seafood, and accept the risk of the mercury content, to get around that.

so, i need to be careful - on the one hand, i want sufficient 6s to overpower the 2s to feminize, but, on the other hand, i want low total fat to keep the testosterone down and prevent a cancer risk.

i seem to be doing that right as it is.