Thursday, September 10, 2020

so, an unexpected result of this move to total eggs is actually that i'm hungrier than expected, which.....

you'd think it would be predictable, actually, except i kind of tricked myself into under-estimating the fullness effect of carbs. but, we'll see how long that lasts. i don't mind being hungry for the next three weeks if it balances itself in the end.

i was previously eating about the following in terms of pasta, daily, in theory:

1/2 of a large green pepper
1/2 medium sized tomato
50 g of pasta
150 ml of caesar as sauce
50 g of salami
100 g of block marble cheese (melted)

that ^ is a half plate of pasta, which is what i was supposed to be eating. i'd put the other half away for the next day.

however, i rarely actually did that. instead, i'd go two or three days without eating, then eat a quarter of the plate, then pick at it for a few days. so, i moved to that diet to boost my calorie count, and in truth it seems to have probably come down - i just got less vitamins, instead.

this is why i'm switching to full eggs. so, i've replaced that with the following, every second day:

1 small red pepper
1 small tomato
2 tablespoons of olive oil margarine
four large scrambled eggs (scrambled in margarine, hot sauce & the tomato & pepper)
50 g of salami
100 g of block marble cheese, chopped
two slices of whole wheat bread

to compare these two meals, i'd have to cut the second in half:

1/2 small red pepper   < 1/2 of a large green pepper
1/2 small tomato        <  1/2 medium sized tomato
1 tablespoon of olive oil margarine   < 150 ml of caesar
25 g of salami  < 50 g salami
50 g of block marble cheese, chopped   < 100 g of same
once slice (35 g) of whole wheat bread  < 50 g of pasta
+ two large scrambled eggs

so, i just nearly cut my diet in half, and i knew i was doing it, but it was under the assumption that i wasn't really eating nearly as much, anyways, and the balance of the extra eggs would be enough.

i'm actually holding to that. for a few days. i think that's right, still.

the difference is probably more that 50 g of pasta, eaten daily, fills you up for way, way longer than 70 g of whole wheat bread, eaten every second day, does - & the eggs just aren't going to compensate.

so, what's next, then?

i could move to two eggs daily, instead of four eggs every day and split everything in half.

i'm going to wait it out, and see if bringing in the salads helps a bit. but, i'm inevitably going to be introducing fibre if i do that, and you know what that means.

hey, i have a math degree, but i'm not a nutritionist. i'm thinking out loud. i may make some mistakes...