Thursday, September 10, 2020

and, the idiots thought they could stop the flu, and called us names when we told them they couldn't.

it's a perfect example of the irony underneath what was called "the smug style of liberalism" four years ago, and which i would prefer to called "elitist conservatism", because the people expressing these views are not liberals - the people they are attacking as "covidiots" are the actual liberals. it's the people that are trying to shut society down to protect the elderly, instead of telling them to stay home, that are the conservatives, here.

and, as usual, the data is on the liberals' side.

the only way to protect the elderly is to tell them to stay home. thankfully, people seem to have mostly figured that out themselves, whether the state has, or not.

but, my point is how this is topical - you sit there and call people names. but, you're the idiot, if you thought you could stop this. and, it's the perfect example of the dunning-kruger effect at work, that you're out there attacking people for existing, instead of using your brain and working through the realities in front of you.

there's two ways to stop a pathogen: let it burn itself out by killing everybody off and enforcing vicious quarantine (which is what they had to do with the plague. there are stories of people being locked in towers and stuff, after exposure. they had no choice - they'd lock you in a room by yourself until your fingers fell off, or you starved to death.), or getting a vaccine.

there's no middle point.

you'll have to deal with that. idiots.