Thursday, June 10, 2021

i'm not actually opposed to citizens united, and i would call on the government of ontario to respect the constitution and not use the notwithstanding clause to overrule what is really a triviality in a functioning democracy.

the reason that the fake left hates citizen united is that they've gutted education to the point that people are unable to articulate anything that wasn't placed in their heads by media. while they have a point in arguing for the dominating influence of media in elections (see manufacturing consent), their solution (to restrict speech they don't like, because it might influence people in ways they don't like) is horrible and wrong-headed. so, i have a libertarian-left position on this, which is consistent with my broad political philosophy. i don't self-identify as a "progressive", and i never have.

this idea that ford cares about restricting media in the election is a farce - he's trying to do away with the constitution, and he's done a number of things (including his restrictions on travel across provincial boundaries) that seem to be designed with the intent to attack constitutional norms. he seems to be aligned with the federal government on this, and it doesn't seem to be particularly random.

in the end, if our leaders don't want to follow the rule of law, then they lose the legitimacy to govern, and it's time to replace them.