Sunday, May 5, 2019

i want to be clear about a point.

my disability diagnosis from 2012-2015 was not depression, nor have i ever been diagnosed with depression, nor have i ever claimed to suffer from depression. frankly, i think that anybody who's ever known me for any extended period would think it's obvious that i don't suffer from depression.

my diagnosis over this period was ptsd & gender dysphoria. those were the reasons i was put on odsp - not depression.

this was downgraded in 2015 to my current diagnosis, which is social anxiety disorder. the gender dysphoria continues forward in the diagnosis.

and, as i have never been diagnosed with depression, i have never taken any medication for it.

i do, however, believe that a proper diagnosis would be on the order of a personality disorder. i'm not a narcissist, but i am extremely anti-social. there's no clear basis of diagnosis, it's really up to the discretion of the doctor. but, this is the right path to walk down, not depression.