Sunday, May 5, 2019

fwiw, these are the mp3s i have dated locally to the fall of 2013 organized by actual release date.

20. native - orthodox

02. chelsea wolfe - pain is beauty
10. body / head - coming apart
11. man man - on oni pond
13. indricothere - xi
14. swans - not here not now
16. 65daysofstatic - wild light
17. pinkish black - razed to the ground
24. touche amore - is survived by

01. melt banana - fetch
07. lee ranaldo and the dust - last night on earth
11. autechre - l-event
15. pelican - forever becoming
15. mammatus - heady mental
21. the future of the left - how to stop your brain in an accident
29. son lux - lanterns
29. yamantaka // sonic titan - uzu
30. inri cassette demo #1

04. david bowie - the next day extra
05. melvins - tres cabrones
08. inri cassette demo #2
09. inricycled
16. inri - eat my fuck
21. inri - pop music
21. inri - gene-o's
30. inri - warning

11. a very doldrums christmas
11. inricycled
21. inri
24. inriched
27. inrijected
27. inrimixed