Sunday, May 5, 2019

and, what about my actual health?

well, i'm waiting for the blood test. i'll need to get that sheet updated, first. i'll get the test done next week...

my bmi has been inching up a little over the last few years, from around 19 to around 21. i'm 38 years old at this point, so a little weight gain isn't so strange. i quit smoking in 2016, and can maybe attribute five pounds to it. i think that the more concerning reality is that i've become far less active recently, due to a combination of the weather and the court issue; i've found myself sitting inside for weeks at a time. i should address this and get a bit more exercise via getting out more for walking and bicycling

a gym is a disgusting place, if you think about it, full of people driven by hierarchy and sexual desire, and no doubt full of disease and violence. it's not somewhere where a healthy, well-adjusted person should go. if i'm going to get some more exercise, i'd rather do it by myself, where i'm not subject to some kind of ordering, and i don't have to deal with people gazing at me. yuck.

i'm still ridiculously healthy, as i always have been. until recently, the concern was always that i was underweight, so a little bit of a weight increase is actually a positive step that i've made a purposeful attempt at. but, i should take steps to get the curve under control. 21-22 is actually ideal, but i don't want to get it any higher.

you'll notice that i'm talking about bmi and not weight and i'm doing that entirely on purpose. i'm not interested in what fashion magazines have to say about the topic, i'm interested in what an objective, scientific analysis is; i don't want to look emaciated and photoshopped, i want a healthy body type and a healthy body image.

so, i was trying to gain some weight, and i've accomplished that, but i need to pull back a little now and stop that number from getting any higher.