Sunday, May 5, 2019

the media is also doing something very tricky with elizabeth warren.

elizabeth warren is a conservative, so she's acceptable to the establishment. and, if you find my claim outlandish or discriminatory, begin taking note of this fact, mentally: across the media, every story that mentions sanders also mentions warren, despite the fact that polling indicates that warren is not being taken seriously by the party's left, because she's not a part of it, and her policies are not consistent with it.

this is called a bait and switch: they run headlines about sanders with stories that are clearly intended to increase support for warren. you can see the tactic at work - the establishment wants you to switch from sanders to warren.

you should consequently be exceedingly skeptical about anybody posing on the left that expresses support for warren or her reactionary policies.

but, this is what they're doing, this is what they want, and we'll see if it works.

warren will consequently attempt to piggyback on sanders as long as she can. and, bernie needs to come to a stark realization: she's not his friend. she's been sent to co-opt him. and, he needs to stay away from her.