Thursday, December 10, 2020

so, i've barely eaten since the day i pointed out that i was sure i was reacting to something - and i am sure i was reacting to something. it took a few days to pass, and seems ok, now. i'm hoping i can get back in schedule, but i'm old enough to know i binge and starve and i'm deluding myself in thinking i'm going to stop.

it's not really feasible to eat one item at a time, like i said.

i'm pretty sure i'm eating too much fibre at once and need to tone it down. to test that, i've removed the vegetables from the pasta, which actually leaves a much smaller - and cheaper - bowl: pasta, soy milk (1/2), sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, nutritional yeast, pepper, anchovy, yogurt (1/2) & cheese (1/2). i also put a touch of hot sauce and a touch of mustard. this sauce is not acidic.

it's not bad, but it's not nutritious enough - although it's pretty nutritious, don't be confused. i need some vegetables, even if i change the ones i use. the peppers (vitamin c) & beets (betaine) have specific purposes, but the need for this onslaught of carrots is less clear.

this was also a much faster meal to consume. i'm finishing this up, and i'll be on to the fibre shortly - red pepper, carrot, beet, lime, garlic, cheese (1/2), soy milk (1/2), yogurt (1/2), pepper & a dash of hot sauce. if the second part bunches up my stomach, we've found our problem; otherwise, i might be looking at an interaction, and i'll want to bring one plant in at a time.