Thursday, December 10, 2020

see, despite the mountain of evidence suggesting that fluoride is broadly harmless at low levels, i suspect this might be true, as well:

hey, listen - there's something severely wrong with virtually all of us. this concept of humans as the pinnacle of some process - be it creation or evolution - is severely flawed. we're all a bunch of broken-down, half-functioning machines pieced together from random parts. if god exists, she's more like macgyver than q. and, in the end, most of us will die because we malfunction and break down - our cells might start multiplying out of control, for example.

so, this is reality - everything you ingest, everything you do, every step you take to take care of yourself is a balancing act, a cost-benefit analysis, a weighting of what is good and bad.

i need more fluoride; i also need more iron, it seems.

let's try separating them and see what happens.