Friday, January 15, 2021

fuck, i shift back to eating two giant meals per day (and still barely can) and i actually lose weight. my pants are falling off.

physics is a vicious science, and it's the simple truth of it, regardless of what the snowflakes will tell you - you decrease your caloric intake while leaving your energy expenditure stable, and your weight necessarily comes down. and, it has to be that way, too.

but, people want to do science based on surveys, participants are consistently dishonest (i know i was the only one in the building, but i didn't eat that missing cake. honest.) and the results they get don't pass the rules of basic arithmetic.

so, i'm kind of pissed, actually. i made these shifts to ensure i was getting my requirements over a 36 hour schedule because i couldn't actually eat three times a day, and i just ended up losing weight. which, i guess, gets the point across about the fact of the matter, here - i'm going to be perpetually emaciated-looking, whether i like it or not.