Saturday, January 23, 2021

this whole idea of "chemical imbalances" is nothing more than pseudo-science. they can't test for most of these things because they're past the blood-brain barrier. so, they get some clown to make a guess based on behaviour, which is the most unscientific way to deal with something that you could possibly imagine; these people are not scientists, and they're not doctors, they're quacks working for drug companies. 

in theory, i'd accept the premise that you could test me for something and prescribe me something based on that test. that's fine - that's science.

but, deciding that i have an imbalance based on my behaviour is not science, it's magic. that needs to be rejected on it's face.

so, no, i won't take anything prescribed to me, because there's no justification for it besides some idiot making a guess. and, i'm well within my rights to tell that person that they're not a scientist, and i don't respect their magical thinking.