Saturday, January 23, 2021

this idea that google should pay news companies for "hosting" their material (which they don't actually do. that's an absurd misunderstanding of how they operate.) is really the last dying gasp of the newspaper industry, which needs to be put out of it's misery and ended once and for all.

blogging by independent voices, free of censorship and editorializing, is the future. what they're trying to maintain - centralized news media - is obsolete, and should die.

as a consumer, i'll tell you it won't work. the bottom line is that what these people do isn't worth paying them for, and they need to come to terms with the fact that their product is so substandard that it's not actually worth anything.

what australia is doing is technologically reactionary, and while i would oppose it, i have little faith in my own government to do much better, as it is a reactionary government, as well. google is right to threaten to pull out, and i hope they do, and i hope it spurs a backlash that throws the government out of office.

the demise of the msm will create a more vibrant blogosphere, and that's what i want to see, moving forwards - not these backwards, reactionary attempts to prevent obsolete media establishments from dying long overdue deaths.

what i support is taking the msm off life support, and good riddance to it.