Wednesday, March 4, 2020

is it possible that he won more by default than due to the endorsement? that is, that a very large percentage of people said "my preferred candidates have dropped, and i have to vote because it's a civic duty, and he's the best option left, so i suppose i'll vote for him. i guess. if i have to."


and, you'd have to assign something like that to a few voters, regardless.

it's the margins, though. that's 5% of buttigieg voters, or something. it's not 90% of them....

- sanders appears to have gotten no bounce at all, not even in the rural areas that he carried comfortably in 2016. buttigieg was winning these voters from the start, but it's an anti-establishment vote, and you'd expect them to vote against biden, not for him. sanders actually did fairly poorly in these counties.
- warren did not get a bounce, either - and you'd have expected her to pick up some educated white women, at the least, from klobuchar.
- maybe bloomberg was never going to get a big bounce from buttigieg dropping, but you'd think you'd see some minor uptick. nope. 

biden literally got the entire thing, as though somebody just reproportioned it in a spreadsheet.

....which i suspect is actually the truth.

so much for massachusetts..