Wednesday, March 4, 2020

let's start with massachusetts, which i find to be the least believable outcome.

biden had been doing well in south carolina for months, so the results were obvious. the recent polling in massachusetts had biden way down the list (behind not just sanders and warren, but bloomberg and buttigeg) at around or below 10%. steyer never registered in this state, and bloomberg roughly matched his polling.

in fact, sanders and warren roughly matched their polling, too.

so, the only possible way to understand massachusetts is to deduce that 90%+ of buttigieg supporters and 90%+ of klobuchar supports both moved, en masse and tout ensemble to biden - which is the kind of thing you see in alberta or quebec, but is almost incomprehensible in what is plausibly the most educated state in the nation.

so, you can pull these numbers out - they're there. but, you have to believe that the mass of eggheads in massachusetts did what they were told, and voted for the village idiot. and, out of what, exactly? fear?

so, if you're naive enough to fall for it, this is, indeed, very easy to understand - just add biden's 10-% to buttigieg's 15+% and klobuchar's ~7% and the number's come out in the wash. easy, right?

but, it's very hard to believe it.

and, i don't quite, myself. it seems a little too tidy...